Of light and delicious, hot or cold texture, try offering these delicious muffins to...
With special sauce, orange baked duck is a very good choice as a main...
L’insalata di lenticchie è un piatto facilissimo da realizzare che garantisce più salute, leggerezza...
Follow you to delight another wonderful recipe that I make when you have a...
Impossible to resist a pastry, whether fried or baked. Um… what a delight! Pastel...
With a special flavor, give your next risotto a creative touch! Ingredients 2 cups...
Don’t you know the vanilla bean? Did you know that the plant that produces...
Con una preparazione facile e un risultato delizioso, questa torta al frutto della passione...
How about starting with rye bread? Be aware that the rye should be an...
With easy and practical recipes give your cakes finish, even the simplest, leaving them...
The cheese and ham pie is an easy, practical and economical suggestion to make...
Scopri come preparare una deliziosa maionese preparata in soli 3 minuti!
Refreshing and very healthy salad! Enjoy and try it! Sauce ingredients 1 mature medium...
Learn the power of avocado and why it cannot be missed in your diet....
Be sure to try it, you will be surprised by the taste of this...
Rinfrescante e gustosa, l’insalata caprese non può mancare nella tua quotidianità!
This cake is very versatile, easy to make, and if you invite children to...
Spanish tortilla means “small pie”, or “small cake” and, besides being easy to make...
Drinks and cocktails with rum are very much appreciated even the oldest that are...
Merengue in cups is a simple but surprising dessert! Ingredients 1 box of chopped...
Very easy to do, the chicken skewer can be prepared simple or breaded. In...
You can lose weight eating everything. Light chocolate mousse with kiwi is a free...
The onion is indispensable on the plate and health, so enjoy the light onion...
In a few minutes you make delicious dried meat croquettes! Mass ingredients 3 boiled...
These donuts are a specialty from the surroundings of Rome in Italy. By mother...
Questa soffice torta di grano conquista per praticità, sapore e consistenza dell’impasto!
You will love the news about our beer in salty and sweet dishes. Check...
I won this recipe and already noticed that, besides women, it is much appreciated...
The success of the cup cake continues. Do to market, to give or to...