A tragic death has shocked the Marseille community. A young man of just 15 years old was stabbed and later burned alive.

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According to TN, the minor would have been linked to the sale of drugs in the sector. The authorities reported that The subject was “stabbed 50 times” before being burned to death.

The case was presented in the southwest of France, in the country’s second largest city, Marseille, that is experiencing a scourge due to the illegal marketing of psychoactive substances.

According to the aforementioned media, the Marseille prosecutor, Nicolas Bessone, described the homicide as a case of “unprecedented savagery.”

This murder is added to the list of deaths in the midst of territorial disputes between clans for control of drug marketing in the area. The prosecutor assured that recently very young victims have been involved in this world.

Young man had been hired on social networks

Investigations have revealed that the young man had been hired by an individual deprived of liberty, through social networks.

The teenager had been paid nearly $2,100 to intimidate an enemy by setting fire to the door of his residence. Before achieving his goal, the young man was discovered by members of the rival gang who ended up stabbing him dozens of times and then setting him on fire.

As if this unfortunate death were not enough, the prisoner decided to search social networks and pay another young man even younger than the murdered one to exact revenge.

With $50,000, a 14-year-old minor had to kill a member of the clan who would have been involved in the torture of the first contractor.

There was another death in the same case

This young man hired a vehicle to travel to the place where he was going to kill his victim. Apparently, he told the driver that he should wait for him while he returned to transport him back, but the driver refused and was shot by the subject.

The Prosecutor’s Office indicated that the victim was a 36-year-old man, a father and employee of a private transportation company. The driver was not related to any of the gangs or drug trafficking.

There is “a total loss of references that makes young people respond to advertisements (…) to go and take the lives of others without any remorse or reflection,” mentioned the prosecutor in the case.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/joven-de-15-anos-fue-herido-e-incinerado-en-medio-de-disputas-por-ventas-ilegales-rg10

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