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Brussels sprouts often have a bad reputation. Often overcooked and bland in the mouth, we always have in mind this unpleasant image of the Brussels sprouts that were offered to us in the canteen. However, these vegetables can turn into real treats, provided you know how to prepare them!

In his latest show “Little dishes in balance”, Laurent Mariotte chose to revisit his little choux to make us want to taste them.

After his carbonara version, the host published on his Instagram account a recipe with “this little winter vegetable which has been with us for many months” highlighting Italian flavors. On the menu: parmesan and lemon! As the host explains, it’s “a nod to Sébastien Demorand, a gastronomic critic who loves this association”.

Want to reproduce this ultra-gourmet recipe that revisits Brussels sprouts with simplicity? Here is the list of ingredients and preparation steps!

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To make this recipe for 4 people, you will need:

  • 1 kg of Brussels sprouts
  • 1 yellow lemon
  • 1 block of whole parmesan or shavings
  • Olive oil
  • Sel
  • Pepper


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