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According to theINSERMthe “Migraine is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent attacks that mainly result in severe headaches. There are two main types of migraine attacks: migraine attacks without aura, and migraine attacks with aura, i.e. accompanied or preceded by transient neurological disorders.. So, for 4 to 72 hours, migraine sufferers experience their headaches, sometimes associated with nausea, vomiting or hypersensitivity to light or noise. Certain foods can soothe these symptoms.
The pain of a migraine can quickly become unbearable. It can therefore be useful to know some simple and natural remedies to relieve it. This can be the case of:
To date, there is no curative treatment for migraine. “The management of the disease is based on the avoidance of modifiable triggering factors (especially those associated with sleep and meal rhythms)” says INSERM. If your diet (skipping a meal, a heavy meal, the presence of alcohol) is a triggering factor, it is important to pay attention to it and make the necessary changes. You will avoid a lot of unpleasantness.