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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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When you consume canned goods bought in supermarkets or those that you make at home, know that there are some precautions to take. Indeed, if they are particularly easy to use and economical, it is important to be careful with them to avoid the risk of getting sick. Indeed, a few days ago in Gironde, 5 people contracted botulism after eating homemade pesto in a can.

As a reminder, botulism is a serious neurological condition caused by a toxin that develops in particular in poorly preserved foods. In France, there are 0.5 cases per million inhabitants. The majority of these are linked to poorly preserved foods, as mentioned above, which have not undergone a thorough sterilization process such as cold meats or canned goods.

So, today, we decided to remind you of the mistakes to avoid and the right actions to take to consume canned food with complete peace of mind.

Metal cans can be subject to certain shocks, especially during transport. They can have dents or holes. We often think that this is harmless, but in reality, it is important to be careful. Indeed, this can represent a real risk for your health. You may not notice it, but the can may be open. Thus, it will be exposed to bacteria and contaminate you. So, it is better to forget about damaged cans and not consume them.

Generally, after opening a can, it is advisable to rinse the food before cooking it. In fact, most of the time the food is bathed in very salty water. To remove the brine taste, a short run under water is recommended. Moreover, this will also make them more digestible.

We tend not to really worry about the expiry date of canned goods, wrongly thinking that they keep for a long time. This is of course false. Canned goods also have an expiry date that must be respected. To guarantee the freshness of the products, it is also preferable to consume them well before. And if you have any doubts, don’t take any risks.

The place where you store your boxes is essential. It is important that this place is cool, dry and dark. It is therefore essential to avoid the sun since UV rays can degrade the quality of food over time. In addition, it could heat the food which would impact the sealing of the box and promote the proliferation of bacteria. A cupboard is ideal.

If you have not finished your box, do not refrigerate it as this will only increase bacterial contamination. It is best to transfer the remaining contents to a small airtight container that you will then store in the fridge.


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