An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 shook this Sunday, June 16, 2024, the region of Arequipa, in southern Peruat 9:47 local time without reports of personal or material damage so far, reported the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP).

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As detailed by the organization on the social network

The earthquake occurred at a depth of 25 kilometers and reached an intensity of IV-V in Chala, that is, “moderate-a little strong.”

The National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) detailed that the epicenter was located in the sea and that it continuously monitors vulnerable areas.

And for its part, the Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation of the Peruvian Navy ruled out that this earthquake has generated a tsunami warning on the Peruvian coast.

Peru is located in a region known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, where more than 80% of the world’s seismic activity occurs.

The last devastating earthquake in the country occurred off the coastal city of Pisco in August 2007, when a magnitude 7.9 earthquake hit that town and the entire southern region of Ica, leaving more than 500 dead. as well as million-dollar losses in infrastructure and housing.

Is there a tsunami risk for Colombia?

The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD) reported through the social network “There is no #tsunami threat for the #Pacific coast of #Colombia due to the 6.0 magnitude #earthquake that occurred on the southern coast of #Peru.”

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