In the quiet town of Jaguariaíva, Paraná, Brazil, a tragedy left a family in pain. Cristofer Yuri Silva de Melo, a boy of only 6 years old, died after being stung by a bee on the neck, which triggered anaphylactic shock. The sad event occurred last Monday, September 14, 2024, around one in the afternoon while the little boy was visiting his grandfather on his farm.

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The first to try to help Cristofer were his own relatives, who performed first aid maneuvers while waiting for the arrival of emergency services. However, when the child was transferred to the Carolina Lupión Municipal Hospital, he had already suffered cardiorespiratory arrest. Although doctors tried to revive him for several minutes, they were unable to save his life.

It wasn’t the first time he was attacked by bees.

The pain of this loss was even more heartbreaking for the family, Well, it was not the first time that Cristofer suffered a similar attack. Months ago, the little boy had been attacked by a swarm of bees, which caused severe swelling. On that occasion, he was able to recover after receiving treatment with anti-allergy medications, according to information from local media G1.

The commotion soon spread through social networks –

Courtesy G1

The commotion soon spread through social networks, where Cristofer’s mother, Tania Grazy, shared an emotional farewell message.

“Unfortunately, my little angel returned to heaven. My little one was so happy and loving. You will always be present in my memory like this, my little one,” he wrote, accompanying his words with photos of his son.

Cristofer’s wake took place in the Iara Marquês Dib chapel, in the city of Sengés, and his burial took place on Tuesday morning in the Municipal Cemetery of the same town. The news of his death left a deep impact on the community, which is still trying to come to terms with the tragedy.

Tips to avoid bee stings

Given the growing concern about attacks by bees and other insects in hot weather, The authorities have issued a series of recommendations to avoid this type of incident. According to experts, the combination of high temperatures and spring flowering usually increases the activity of bees and wasps, which increases the risk of attacks.

Recommendations to avoid bites include:

  • Keep calm and avoid sudden movements if a bee lands on any part of the body.
  • Wear clothing that covers the body well, especially if you are in areas where there are swarms or hives.
  • Do not try to scare or kill the bees, as they This could make them more aggressive.
  • If you get stung, It is advisable to remove the stinger as soon as possible without squeezing it, to prevent more poison from being released. Clean the affected area with soap and water, and apply ice to reduce inflammation.

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