UA compact crowd gathered late this afternoon, a few hundred meters from the Israeli embassy, ​​shouting “We are all children of Gaza”, “Long live the struggle of the Palestinian people”, “Free Gaza” and “Gaza, Paris is with you”, reports the news agency Agence France-Presse (AFP).

Many protesters arrived with Palestinian flags, others wore keffiyeh scarves or held signs with messages such as: “Don’t kill a child, whether Jewish or Palestinian: Stop the bombings, free Palestine”, “Rafah, Gaza, we are with you”.

“Yesterday [domingo], Palestinians were burned alive by Israeli bombings in a refugee camp. We saw videos of families pulling their loved ones out of burning tents. It’s one more massacre”, denounced François Rippe, vice-president of the Association France Palestine solidarité (AFPS), one of the organizers of the demonstration, interviewed by AFP.

Until the end of the afternoon, the police were unable to take stock of the number of people present at the protest which, according to François Ripe, was “several thousand”.

“They set fire to a refugee camp, they burn people and we don’t summon the Israeli ambassador to call her to account. It’s simply unbearable”, lamented Rippe.

The UN and many other countries condemned the Israeli attack on a displacement camp in Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, and the United States once again called on Israel to “protect civilians”.

For its part, the Israeli army said it was investigating what the prime minister described as a “tragic accident”.

Read Also: US insists on Israel to protect civilian lives


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