A student from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Manila asked Pope Francis, during a meeting with the pontiff and Asian students, “to stop using offensive language towards the LGBTQI+ community”.
Is about Jack Lorenz Acebedo Rivera, a student who participated in this Thursday’s meeting with Pope Francis. In his intervention he explained that he had been harassed for being bisexual and therefore asked the pontiff to stop using offensive language towards the LGBTQI+ community because “these words cause immense pain.”
The request from the student, who was wearing a rainbow sash, came after it emerged that the pope had used the word ‘faggot’ on a couple of occasions.
Pope Francis had to apologize for having stated in a meeting with bishops that there is “a lot of faggot” in these ecclesiastical institutions and assured that it was not his intention to offend.
As the newspaper explained Corriere della Seradays later Francis used it again in a conversation with priests from Rome explaining that one day a monsignor told him: “Here in the Vatican there is a lot of faggot” and he referred to a “gay lobby.”
Rivera also explained his problems for being the son of a single mother, abandoned, but who cannot get a divorce. That’s why he asked Jorge Bergoglio to speak in favor of divorce in the Philippines.
In his response to the students, Pope Francis spoke of “deep discriminations rooted in people’s minds,” citing the example of Rivera; However, he did not mention the request not to use homophobic words towards the LGBTQI+ community.
“There should be no discrimination of any kind,” he added without giving more details.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/estudiante-pide-al-papa-francisco-que-deje-de-usar-terminos-homofobos-cb20