“O The next Government, which will necessarily reflect your vote, will bring together, I hope, republicans of different sensibilities who, through their courage, will know how to oppose extremes”, appealed Emmanuel Macron, in a letter to the French in the press.
While some of his opponents, such as Marine Le Pen, from the National Union (RN), suggest that he will be forced to resign if he is defeated in the legislative elections on June 30 and July 7, Macron responded: “You can trust me to act until May 2027 as your President, protector at all times of our Republic, our values, respectful of pluralism and your choices, at your service and the Nation.”
Returning in this letter to the reasons that led him, on the night of the European elections, to dissolve the Assembly, the President acknowledged that his decision sometimes aroused anger directed against him.
Above all, he detailed the issues at stake in the upcoming elections, which “are not a presidential election, nor a vote of confidence in the President of the Republic”, but the answer to “a single question: who will govern France?”.
Faced with the extreme right and the left-wing alliance of the New Popular Front, the head of state defends his “third way”.
“The objective cannot just be to continue what has been done. I heard that they want this to change”, said Macron, calling in particular for “much stronger and firmer responses” regarding “insecurity, impunity”.
“The next Government will have to review childhood policy, better protect our young people and fight more strongly against all discrimination”, he also defended, noting the “strong demand for social justice”.
Above all, when saying that he measures “democratic malaise”, namely “this division between the people and those who govern the country that has not” managed to resolve, Macron admitted that “the way of governing must change profoundly”, while the its political field multiplies the hands extended to the right and left in the hope of frustrating the predictions.
The President also appealed to abstentionists, asking them not to be “afraid”. “Don’t give up”, he stressed.
A survey released on Friday gives the National Union – currently led by Jordan Bardella but which also includes the figure of Marine Le Pen, considered the leader of the French extreme right – 250 to 300 deputies in the future National Assembly (lower house of parliament French), which would represent a scenario between a relative majority and an absolute majority (289 mandates).
Macron’s decision to call early legislative elections after the failure of his party, Renaissance, in the European elections on June 9 against the National Union, which obtained twice the votes, was criticized even within his political camp.
Read Also: Former President François Hollande says that ‘macronism’ is “over”
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2585221/macron-promete-agir-ate-maio-de-2027-fim-do-mandato-presidencial