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Today, 15% of French people think that avocados are too fatty and 12% fear that they make you fat. At least, these are the results of a survey conducted in five European countries, including France, on the perception and benefits of avocados on heart health. However, in addition to being delicious, avocados improve heart health, help with weight management by increasing the feeling of satiety and allow you to stock up on vitamins.

In the diet, not all fats are equal. Thus, there are fatty foods that fit perfectly into a healthy and balanced diet. This is the case with the lawyer. In fact, the latter mainly contains monounsaturated fats. These are excellent for taking care of your heart health. According to a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association, this type of fat can help reduce bad cholesterol levels, thereby limiting the risk of developing heart disease.

It is often said that avocado makes you gain weight. This false reputation is certainly due to the fact that the green fruit is rich in fat. But it contains little saturated fat, and it is these fats that are considered bad. In fact, when consumed in moderation, avocados help with weight loss. According to a study conducted on around a hundred overweight adults, eating an avocado per day for twelve weeks can positively redistribute abdominal fat in women. Fruit has the great advantage of increasing the feeling of satiety: you then eat less, and better.

In addition, avocados are a valuable source of vitamins (C, K and B) but also minerals, fiber, potassium and antioxidants. It is therefore a particularly good food that can be easily integrated into a balanced diet. Note that the energy provided by avocados (the calories) is long-lasting and beneficial. This is not the case for “empty” calories provided by sugary snacks or processed foods.


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