O Brazilian President Lula da Silva is being heavily criticized for a comment he made when speaking about violence against women.

Citing, on Tuesday, during a meeting at the Planalto Palace, a study that showed that, allegedly, there is an increase in cases of violence against women after the end of football matches, Lula began by saying that the data was “unbelievable”.

Then, however, he concluded: “If the guy is a Corinthians fan [adepto do Corinthians]like me, that’s fine, but I don’t get nervous when I lose.”

The main criticism came from the Brazilian arm of Amnesty International. “In addition to being unfunny, Lula’s comment normalizes a Brazilian tragedy that should concern everyone, especially the president: at least 10,600 women have been victims of femicide since 2015, when the law classified the crime,” the organization wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday.

The National Secretary for Women of the Workers’ Party (PT) – Lula da Silva’s party -, Anne Moura, said in an interview with Folha de S. Paulo that the Brazilian president was “unfortunate” in “trying to lighten the mood in the midst of such a delicate issue”. The statement was “distorted”, she argued, however.

This Saturday, Lula tried to redeem himself for the comment and promised to wage “war” against violence against women, which “has increased a lot”.

“A man who is a man, a man who has faith in God, who is fraternal, can never raise his hand to attack a woman”he added, during a PT conference in São Bernardo do Campo.

Read Also: Lula calls for Venezuela election results to be “recognized”

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2601846/lula-criticado-por-comentario-sobre-violencia-contra-mulheres

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