A hydrothermal explosion at Yellowstone National Park in the United States was captured on video by tourists, who ran to protect themselves from the rocks and debris ejected by the unusual natural phenomenon, recorded on Tuesday, July 23, forcing authorities to close the recreational area, reported the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Tourists who were there captured the phenomenon with their cameras. The images show a tall column of mud and debris that forced visitors on a dock to flee.

The explosion occurred near Sapphire Pool, a hot spring in Biscuit Basin located just over two miles from the famous Old Faithful geyser in Wyoming.

Yellowstone National Park officials have been forced to temporarily close the Biscuit Basin parking lot and boardwalks to ensure visitor safety.

No injuries have been reported so far.

Why does a hydrothermal explosion occur?

“Hydrothermal explosions are violent and dramatic events that They cause the rapid expulsion of boiling water, steam, mud and rock fragments“according to the USGS, which added that several such incidents have occurred in the park in the past.

The USGS said in a statement that the explosion does not indicate that a volcanic eruption is imminent.

“Monitoring data shows no change in the Yellowstone region. Today’s explosion does not reflect activity within the volcanic system, which remains at normal levels of activity,” USGS said.

The agency added that its geologists are investigating the explosion. For its part, Yellowstone Park has not said when it will reopen the area to tourists again..

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/video-del-momento-en-que-hay-una-explosion-hidrotermal-en-parque-nacional-de-yellowstone-cb20

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