On the afternoon of Wednesday, July 31, 2024, President Gustavo Petro held a call with the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. The Colombian Presidency confirmed to Noticias Caracol the dialogue between both politicians, in which Petro reaffirmed his position reflected in his X account on the elections in the neighboring country.

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The communication took place between 2:00 p.m. and 2:20 p.m., while President Gustavo Petro was at an Ecopetrol event in Piedecuesta, Santander.

The technicians from the Petroleum Institute were giving the president an explanation of some investigations they are carrying out, When Laura Sarabia approaches Petro, she says something in his ear and hands him a cell phone.

At that moment, The head of state left the place to answer a call from the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

What did Maduro and Petro talk about?

In the telephone conversation between the two leaders, President Petro reaffirmed the position he previously expressed on his X account in relation to the presidential elections on Sunday, July 28 in Venezuela, according to the Presidency of the Republic.

This position refers to the tweet of the head of State where he invited “the Venezuelan Government to allow the elections to end in peace, allowing a transparent scrutiny with vote counting, minutes and oversight of all the political forces in his country and professional international oversight.”

The dialogue between the heads of state lasted approximately 20 to 25 minutes.

Nicolás Maduro, for his part, stated during an international press conference that “Petro is an honorable, serious man, I listen to him a lot. I am in dialogue with him, I am not going to give anything away.” “I had the opportunity to talk to him and explain many things to him.”

For now, no further details of this communication have been revealed.

Watch the video of the moment of the conversation here:

>>> You can also read: Maria Corina Machado says Maduro’s response after the elections is “murder”

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/colombia/momento-en-que-nicolas-maduro-llamo-al-presidente-gustavo-petro-de-que-hablaron-rg10

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