Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro ordered this Thursday, August 8, 2024, take social network X out of circulationformerly known as Twitter, for a period of 10 daysso that the company, owned by South African magnate Elon Musk, presents “documents” to the authorities of the Caribbean country.

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At a political event, the Venezuelan president explained that he signed the proposal to suspend X, drawn up by the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel), with the aim of “enforcing the laws.”

X out of Venezuela for 10 daysto present documents and to establish the final administrative measure, but enough is enough, Enough of trying to sow violence, hatred, of trying to attack Venezuela from abroad“said Nicolás Maduro, who has accused Elon Musk of being part of a “cyber coup” against him.

Nicolás Maduro says they have to “defeat the cyber coup”

He said that “someday, sooner rather than later, new Venezuelan social networks will be born” to free the country “from those people,” referring to the owners of platforms such as WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok that, according to the head of state, function as “multipliers of hate” in the South American nation.

“Let the others take notice, but I was not born on the day of cowards… We have to defeat the cyber, fascist and criminal coup d’état“, he insisted.

Nicolás Maduro, who was announced as the winner of the July 28 elections by the National Electoral Council (CNE), has denounced that there is a coup plan to ignore his victory, after it was denounced as fraudulent by the majority opposition, international observers and foreign governments.

The rejection of his proclamation as re-elected president has unleashed a crisis in the country that has led to protests – some of which have turned into acts of violence – and police operations that have resulted in 24 deaths, according to the NGO Provea, and more than 2,400 arrests, according to the report updated this Thursday by the president.


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