Residents of a residential area on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, Brazil, captured on video the moment a Voepass turboprop plane crashed and then, once on the ground, the plane caught fire.

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Felipe Magalhaes, an eyewitness to the plane crash, said: “When it crashed, the plane fell on the roof of the house “I jumped over the wall to get the old people out of the house, but they didn’t want to leave because of their animals.”

The plane was travelling from Paraná to Guarulhos International Airport in Sao Paulo. All 61 occupants of the aircraft, 57 passengers and 4 crew members, died. Initially, it was reported that there were 62 people on board.

Man escapes death after missing flight in Brazil

Israel da Silva missed his flight and today tells how he was providentially saved from dying.

“We thought the flight was going to leave with Latam. I asked the employee where the boarding was and he told me that the flight was already leaving and we couldn’t board. “I was born again,” da Silva said.

With a minute of silence, the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, regretted the event: “I have to be the bearer of very bad news and I would like everyone to stand up so that we can observe a minute of silence because “A plane has just crashed in the city of Vinhedo.”

Authorities confirmed that The aircraft did not report any emergency and they already have the black boxes in their possession.

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