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For the summer season, we like to cook vegetables from the sun like tomatoes or peppers. But for a change of the traditional ratatouillewe decided to focus on another flagship summer dish: piperade, a Basque specialty. There are many versions of this preparation.

Today, we offer you a revisit of this classic recipe. Rest assured, our readers have already validated this variation with more than 232 comments generated. We could thus read: “I love this recipe! I find it almost better than the local piperade sometimes served in restaurants!”, “really an excellent recipe. I highly recommend it” or even “super good! My husband who doesn’t like peppers in general loves this dish”.

So now it’s your turn to test the 750g version for your next family meal. Get cooking.

Preparation: 10 minutes

For 4 people, you will need:

Finally, to serve it as in the Basque Country, you can beat eggs into an omelette, salt them and add them to the piperade. Let it cook for a few minutes and then all that’s left to do is serve. Enjoy your meal!


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