AGaza authorities say more than 100 people, all civilians, have been killed.

“Today, the Israel Defense Forces and the Shin Bet [serviços secretos] attacked the terrorists operating at the military headquarters located in a mosque on the grounds of the al-Tabin school,” a military statement said.

The Israeli secret service investigation “confirmed” that “at least 19 terrorists from the Hamas terrorist organization and Islamic Jihad who acted to perpetrate terrorist activities against the military forces [israelitas] and against the State of Israel from within the territory” were killed, it is added.

The text includes the names and photographs of the alleged terrorists killed in the attack.

The Israeli army document explains that three “precision-guided projectiles” were used and stresses that, “according to experts, they cannot cause damage consistent with the information released by the Gaza government’s information office.”

The Israeli government also states that “no substantial damage was caused to the compound where the terrorists gathered, as can be seen in the photograph of the compound after the attack,” referring to a before-and-after image of the attack included in the statement.

Israel also stressed that “measures were taken before the attack to reduce the chances of harming civilians, including the use of precision weaponry with a reduced warhead and the use of accurate intelligence.”

In the statement, the Israeli army accuses Hamas of “systematically violating international law and operating from safe havens for civilians, using the population as a human shield for terrorist activities.”

The Israeli attack on the school killed more than a hundred people and injured 150, according to the Health Ministry of the Gaza government, which is controlled by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

The attack was condemned internationally by Arab and Muslim countries, the United States of America, the European Union, Spain, France, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

Read Also: Iran says Israeli attack on school is ‘genocide and war crime’


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