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The microwave, the fridge or even the dishwasher are household appliances that we use daily. That is why it is important to clean them regularly to avoid the proliferation of bacteria but also so that they do not deteriorate too quickly. Today, we are interested in the dishwasher. It is not uncommon to sometimes smell bad odors escaping from it. But then how can we get rid of them?

On Instagram, content creator Dr Bonne Bouffe shared her simple, economical and natural tip. We explain everything to you.

Generally, bad smells coming from the dishwasher are due to dirt embedded inside. So the first thing to do is to think about cleaning the dishwasher regularly and thoroughly. Don’t forget to take the time to disinfect the filter because this is where food residue accumulates and this is usually what triggers unpleasant smells. So opt for a specific product for this use available in supermarkets or turn to white vinegar or baking soda which will do the job very well.

Furthermore, to complete your cleaning, the content creator Dr Bonne Bouffe has a formidable weapon to overcome bad odors present in the dishwasher … lemon. Indeed, lemon is a natural antiseptic, deodorizer and cleaner. Thus, this makes it a “a powerful ally against bad odors and it acts as a simple, economical and environmentally friendly solution to keep your dishwasher smelling great!” explains the specialist.

To get rid of bad smells from your dishwasher, simply place a lemon leftover in this appliance. You can also start the washing cycle with it. Thus, “The lemon peels will delicately diffuse their fragrance during washing, leaving the dishes infused with their delicate flavor.” There is nothing easier.

It’s up to you to test this method now.


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