The cold front is in fashion! Beat the heat with the official ice cream of summer. Three delicious options! Refreshing and irresistible!

Strawberry Popsicle with Condensed Milk


  • ½ can of condensed milk
  • 300 grams of strawberries
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • ½ cup (tea) of water
  • 1 tablespoon of culinary sweetener

Preparation Mode

  1. Set aside the condensed milk.
  2. In a blender, add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.
  3. Remove and distribute the mixture in the chosen form, reserving some in the refrigerator. See Mom’s Tips
  4. Place in the freezer or freezer until almost completely frozen.
  5. Remove from freezer and drain melted ice cream.
  6. In the cavities, fill almost to the brim with condensed milk.
  7. Top with strawberry cream.
  8. Place in the freezer until almost hard and insert the sticks.
  9. Place in the freezer for 6 hours or until completely hardened.

Mom’s Tip

The popsicles can be filled with: dulce de leche, jelly, hazelnut cream, etc.

Passion Fruit Mousse Palette


  • Pulp of 4 passion fruits
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • ½ can of cream

Filling Ingredient

  • ½ can of condensed milk

Preparation Mode

  1. In the blender, place the passion fruit pulp.
  2. Beat well, remove and place in the mixer bowl.
  3. Add the condensed milk and cream and beat until you get a mousse consistency.
  4. Remove and distribute the mixture in the chosen form, reserving some in the refrigerator.
  5. Place in the freezer or freezer until almost completely frozen.
  6. Remove from freezer and drain melted ice cream.
  7. In the cavities, fill almost to the brim with condensed milk.
  8. Top with remaining mousse.
  9. Place in the freezer until almost hard and insert the sticks.
  10. Place in the freezer for 6 hours or until completely hardened.

Mom’s Tip

Straining the passion fruit pulp is optional.

Mexican Paleta Recipe - Paleta-mexicana-2-380x253Fruit Popsicle


  • 8 Thompson grapes
  • 8 strawberries
  • 1 Kiwi
  • 1 peach
  • 20 blueberries
  • 1 tablespoon of culinary sweetener
  • 2 cups coconut water

Preparation Mode

  1. Cut the fruit into slices. Set aside.
  2. Mix the coconut water with the sweetener. Set aside.
  3. In a popsicle mold, carefully place the fruits alternating them, creating a mosaic.
  4. Distribute the coconut water and place the popsicle sticks in the center.
  5. Place in the freezer or freezer until they are firm.

Mom’s Tips

Feel free to add fruits of your choice.

All fruits can be turned into a delicious homemade Mexican paleta.

Paletas are popsicles that are larger than the traditional popsicles we know. There are special molds for Mexican paletas available in stores.

If you don’t have your own mold, you can improvise by making popsicles in disposable cups.

Yields 6 units.


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