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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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In fries, in a gratin, mashed, fried, baked… The potato is perhaps one of the foods that is most varied. It is thus found in many forms! However, it is often viewed with a bad eye from a nutritional point of view. But according to Jimmy Mohamed, general practitioner on RTL microphone, “It’s time to restore the potato to its former glory”. In fact, according to researchers, “For every hundred grams of potatoes you eat per day, the risk of mortality is reduced by 4%, including cardiovascular diseases.”

But these results are most certainly multifactorial according to the doctor. “Potatoes contain potassium in particular. And this potassium that you find in fruits and vegetables helps lower blood pressure and limit the risk of cardiovascular diseases.”. Potatoes also contain fibers that help regulate your appetite and help you feel full more quickly. They also help regulate your digestive system and dampen your sugar levels: this helps you control your weight more easily and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (and the risk of cardiovascular disease).

So potatoes are healthy. Generally, it’s the way we prepare them that has the negative effects on our health. The best way to cook them is to steam or boil them. This keeps the number of calories per gram low. Cooking in water increases the number of calories due to the loss of water. This is also the case with mashing because of the presence of butter or cream in the preparation. But the least healthy way to eat potatoes is to eat them as fries. In this case, the potatoes absorb the oil like a sponge.


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