José Andrés Tabares Vargas, a 26-year-old Colombian who moved to the United States in 2022, is in critical condition after a tragic accident that occurred in the city of Charlotte. The young man, who was visiting a local lake with several friends, decided to jump off a rock into the water. However, the water level in the lake was dangerously low, causing José Andrés to suffer a severe impact when he fell.

What happened in the accident

The incident occurred when José Andrés and his group of friends decided to enjoy a day of recreation at the lake. While attempting to dive from a high rock, José Andrés did not notice that the water level had dropped considerably due to the seasonal drought. The resulting impact was devastating, leaving him seriously injured and in critical condition.

Elisabeth Vargas, mother of a young man in critical condition, said: “He had an accident diving into the lake, the water was very shallow and when he jumped in, he couldn’t walk anymore. He broke three vertebrae and is now a quadriplegic.”

The young man was rushed to hospital, where doctors have been battling to stabilise his condition. According to medical reports, José Andrés suffered multiple internal injuries and fractures, which has led specialists to keep him under strict control. Expectations for his recovery are uncertain, and the situation is extremely delicate.

The mother of José Andrés Tabares Vargas, who lives in Italy, received the devastating news of her son’s serious accident with a reaction of deep shock. The news caused him to suffer a heart attack, which required him to be rushed to a clinic for immediate medical attention.

Once stabilized and recovered, the mother went to the US Embassy in Italy to request an urgent visa. Her goal is to be able to travel to the United States to visit her son, who is in critical condition in a hospital in Charlotte. The request for the document is crucial so that I can be by José Andrés’ side during this difficult time.

“I showed up at the Italian Embassy three days later and they refused me a visa. They told me to come back to my country and ask for help here because they couldn’t do anything there,” Elisabeth said.

Health status and family request

José Andrés Tabares Vargas is in a critical condition, with only his eyes able to move. His mother, who is waiting for an urgent visa, communicates with him through video calls while the arrangements for his trip are finalized. The seriousness of the situation has led the clinic where he is being treated to issue a document to the United States Embassy, ​​urgently requesting the granting of a visa for the mother due to the significant risk that José Andrés will remain alone.

“He is in a very bad state. The only thing I am asking the US Embassy to do is to give me this bell, because I want to hug my son, please. I beg you. I want to see my son again, I beg you.“, Elisabeth added.

Ana Sofía Tabares, José Andrés’ sister, also hopes to meet her brother: “We need him, I feel helpless because I can’t be there with him and hug him. I also need to be with my brother and he needs me too.”

José Andrés Tabares has a 5-year-old daughter who lives with him in the United States.

In the midst of this tragedy, José Andrés’ family, who are in Colombia, have requested an urgent visa from the Colombian Embassy in the United States to be able to travel to Charlotte and be by the young man’s side during this difficult time. The family is facing not only the emotional pain of the situation, but also the difficult administrative barrier to being able to reunite with their loved one.

The drama has intensified as the wait for a response to his visa application continues, while José Andrés’ health remains critical.


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