A man was arrested on Saturday in Mormant, a town about fifty kilometres south-east of Paris, as a suspect in the stabbing death of his wife and two daughters, aged 5 years and 22 months.
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Sources close to the case quoted by the radio station France Bleu indicated that the arrest took place this Saturday, September 7, when the individual was attacking other people on the street and a police officer on his way to work intervened.
The officer managed to subdue him but was unable to prevent two people being injured, one in the arm and the other in the neck, although the Melun prosecutor pointed out that in both cases the injuries had not had serious consequences.
He confessed to the crime of his wife and daughters
Once under arrest, the man indicated that he had murdered his wife and the two girls with a sharp weapon, This was confirmed when police officers entered the family’s apartment on Place du Chevel Blanc.
The man had no criminal record or gender-based violence, but he had had to be hospitalized several times for psychiatric reasons.
In fact, sources from the public prosecutor’s office told France Télévisions that since his condition after his arrest was not compatible with his arrest, he was admitted to a hospital’s psychiatric ward.
According to the Ministry of Justice, Last year in France, 94 women were murdered by their partners in acts of gender violence, after 118 in 2022.
The NGO La Voix de l’Enfant also recorded the deaths of more than 60 children at the hands of their parents.
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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/sujeto-mato-a-su-esposa-e-hijas-de-5-y-2-anos-con-arma-cortopunzante-cb20