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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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Fig season is in full swing from July to October. While we recently revealed how to choose them on market stalls, today we are tackling another subject: their skin. Indeed, often thick, it is not always very pleasant in the mouth. Thus, given its texture, many think that it is better not to eat it.

So, true information or preconceived idea? Is there a risk in eating the skin of figs? We answer your questions in this article.

Although it is thick, the skin of figs is completely edible. There is no health risk in eating it. On the other hand, some people sometimes find it a little too thick or even bitter. They therefore prefer to remove it. This is a shame because in reality the skin of figs has many virtues. It is truly beneficial for health. It is particularly rich in antioxidants such as phenolic acids which are absorbed by the digestive system and thus have anti-inflammatory effects in the body. As you will have understood: the skin of the fig hides many benefits. Do not hesitate to bite into it.

However, remember to rinse it well beforehand. In addition, choose organic figs, which are less subject to pesticides. This rule also applies to other fruits that could be eaten with their skin, such as apples or apricots, for example.

While you can keep the skin of the fig without any problem, it is advisable to remove the stem at the end. You should be particularly careful with the milky juice on it, as it can be very stinging. It is therefore not recommended to eat it.


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