Don’t forget to make this cake recipe for a morning or afternoon snack. It’s sure to please everyone!

Ingredients Dough

  • 3 cups (tea) of wheat flour
  • 2 cups (tea) of sugar
  • 1 cup (tea) of orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 6 eggs

Ingredients Syrup

  • 2 cups (tea) of orange juice
  • 1 cup (tea) of sugar

Ingredients Topping

  • 200 grams of melted semisweet chocolate
  • 1 cup (coffee) of hot milk

Preparation Mode

  1. Grease and flour a 30 cm diameter pan.
  2. Preheat the oven to medium temperature.
  3. In a mixer, beat the eggs until they double in volume, become fluffy and light.
  4. Always beating after each addition, add the flour, sugar, juice and yeast.
  5. Place the dough in the pan and bake for approximately 30 minutes.
  6. Remove from the oven and pour over the mixed syrup ingredients.
  7. In a bowl, place the topping ingredients, mix and spread over the still warm cake.
  8. Decorate with orange slices and mint leaves.

Mom’s Tips

For the topping, you can replace the milk with 1 carton of cream.

Yields approximately 12 servings.


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