Olney, Massachusetts resident Lorraine Gerson just proved that age is just a number by fulfilling one of his greatest wishes: skydiving for the first time. At nearly 81 years old, she participated in the “Wish of a Lifetime” program, an initiative that helps older people realize their dreams, no matter how daring they may seem.

For Lorraine, the adventure began 24 years ago, when a hot air balloon ride sparked her curiosity about skydiving. Even though time passed, the longing to jump from the sky never disappeared, And now, thanks to the support of his family and friends, that dream has come true.

“I always wanted to do it. We already had the funeral home ready,” The grandmother commented to Peoplealluding to the jokes that were made about his daring adventure.

The grandmother jumped into the void with a smile

The big day finally arrived and, accompanied by her loved ones, Lorraine boarded the plane with surprising calm. Once in the air, the grandmother launched herself into the void, enjoying every second of her free fall before deploying the parachute.

Upon landing, his face lit up with a big smile It was proof that he had enjoyed every moment.

Summing up her experience, Lorraine He used only one word: “Great.” For her, skydiving was not just a daring feat, but an experience full of peace and tranquility.

“When you’re in the air, you feel an incredible calm,” she explained to the local press, while her friends and family congratulated her for her bravery.

Tom Wagenlander, vice president and CEO of AARP’s Wish of a Lifetime, the program that fulfilled his dream, expressed his excitement about the success of the mission.

“Watching Lorraine come down from heaven with that smile was inspiring. “Our goal is to show America what it means to grow old with health, joy and hope,” he said.

Lorraine did not hesitate to recommend the experience to other seniors, although with a small warning: “Only if you like airplanes.”

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/abuelita-de-80-anos-cumple-su-sueno-de-lanzarse-en-paracaidas-por-primera-vez-hay-video-rg10

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