Crosby, a dog from New Hampshire, United States, had a medical emergency when, in the middle of a walk, he ended up with a delicate wound on one of the limbsRescue workers did not hesitate to climb to the top of the mountain to help the tender dog in trouble.

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At approximately 3:30 p.m. on Monday, September 16, 2024, NH Paw Rescue volunteer services received a call to respond to an emergency on the west side of the state’s Franconia Mountains.

Apparently, During a strenuous walk, Crosby’s owner, who was accompanied by another of his pets, began to notice that the dog was slowing down and taking frequent breaks.At one point, the dog “stopped walking due to exhaustion and damage to the soft tissues in the pads of his paws.”

The team of volunteer rescuers He climbed about 3,200 feet to help 7-year-old, 110-pound Crosby down the mountain.

“The full NH Paw Rescue team arrived at Crosby’s location at 6:30 p.m., He loaded him onto a rigid stretcher and carried him to the start of the trail.arriving just after 7:15 p.m.,” rescuers said.

What happened to the dog?

After being able to reach the bottom, the volunteers who helped the dog said that this His legs were bandaged and covered with booties.Despite being injured, the dog “jumped into his owner’s vehicle to rest and return home.”

Crosby’s owner expressed his intention to take him to the vet to be checked.

The noble rescue action aroused the gratitude of many. “They are heroes”, “incredible work” y “Thanks to everyone who helped everyone get down safely,” some of the words dedicated to them.

To prevent these accidents from happening again, experts recommend carrying the necessary equipment for emergencies with humans or dogs and be cautious about the walking ability of pets, especially large or older ones.

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