The Venezuelan government on Tuesday, September 24, repudiated the “invalid” and “ridiculous” arrest warrant issued by the Argentine justice system against Nicolás Maduro, accused of violating human rights.

On Monday, the Federal Court of Buenos Aires decided to arrest the Venezuelan president, with an Interpol red alert, under the principle of universal jurisdiction.

Venezuela repudiates the invalid decision of a body of the discredited Argentine judiciary“the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

He noted that the The ruling “lacks grounds for jurisdiction and violates the jurisdiction of States and the immunities and privileges enjoyed by presidents and high officials”.

Venezuela also issued an arrest warrant against Milei

Venezuelan justice has previously issued an arrest warrant against Argentine President Javier Milei and two senior officials in his government, accusing them of “stealing” a cargo plane that was seized in Argentina in 2022 and handed over to the United States this year.

The order against Maduro and officials of his government was requested by NGOs and Argentine federal prosecutors as part of a case for crimes against humanity.

The court determined the existence of “a systematic plan of repression, forced disappearance of persons, torture, homicides and persecution against a portion of the civilian population, developed – at least – from 2014 to the present.”

The Venezuelan government criticized the “ridiculous decision” that “seeks to support the progressive destruction of the International Rule of Law”seeking to subrogate the powers of multilateral organizations, diminishing their role.”

Venezuela’s Attorney General Tarek William Saab said at a press conference on Tuesday that more than 2,500 security officials have been charged in the country since 2017 for “human rights violations,” with 581 convictions.

“We have no double standards,” he insisted. “We investigate human rights violations that occur in our country as a matter of state,” he said.

“What has the Argentine justice system done regarding human rights violations? Nothing!” said the prosecutor. It is not within its competence to “process cases of human rights violations in Venezuela”.


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