On September 23, the city of Modena, Italy, woke up to the news that a son had murdered his mother. This is Lorenzo Carbone, who told a journalist that he was at home that he was the one who killed the 80-year-old woman.

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The crime occurred on September 21 and authorities had issued a search warrant for the man, because she disappeared after her mother’s body was found.

He returned to his home on Monday, in Spezzano di Fiorano Modenese, and when he was about to enter he met the journalistic team of Pomeriggio 5, according to the Italian portal FQ Magazine.

When the reporter asked him if he was Lorenzo Carbone and if he had killed his mother, he replied: “Yes, it’s me, Lorenzo, you’re looking for. I came straight here. I couldn’t, I killed her.”

Gruesome details about his mother’s crime

Lorenzo said: “I strangled her. I don’t know why I did it. From time to time I got a little angry, my mother always repeated things. I couldn’t take it anymore, my mother was between dementia and Alzheimer’s, I couldn’t bear it.”

He admitted to using a pillow to suffocate his mother and then using a pillowcase and ropes.

The crime came to light after one of the victim’s daughters found his lifeless body in her home. Moments after Carbone confessed to the crime on camera, a journalist called the authorities to have him immediately arrested.

The confession was broadcast live

The show’s host, Myrta Merlino, defended her decision to broadcast the interview, arguing that the news had to be reported in order to comply with the public’s right to be informed. “The decisions you make make the difference. Professionally I was rigorous, having prioritized the news. The public has the right to know,” explained Merlino

“I followed two principles: my conscience and my professionalism. I would do everything I authorized again. The news is out,” he said in statements to the aforementioned media.

However, other journalists and public figures have criticized the broadcast, noting that the investigation could have been compromised.

Currently, Lorenzo Carbone is in custody pending trial for the murder of his mother. His lawyer has assured that the man has no intention of fleeing.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/hombre-le-confeso-en-television-a-un-periodista-que-acabo-con-la-vida-de-su-mama-rg10

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