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Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!

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Contrary to what one might believe, samurai sauce has nothing Japanese in its origin. In fact, it comes straight from Belgium. This rather spicy sauce is traditionally served with fries. It is prepared with mayonnaise to which we add ““sauce and chili sauce” an Indonesian chili paste. Often confused with Algerian sauce, it is however different since it does not contain any grilled onions in its ingredients and therefore does not have that little sweet taste.

Today, it is very easy to find even in France, especially in fast food restaurants. Many also buy it ready-made at the supermarket. But you should know that it is particularly easy to make it yourself.

Precisely, we decided to share with you our recipe validated by readers. It’s your turn!

If traditionally the samurai sauce is composed of ‘sambal oelek’, an Indonesian chili paste as we explained previously, know that it is possible to replace it. Indeed, if you can’t find any, a harissa sauce or a chili paste can do the trick perfectly.

To make this sauce for 4 people, you will need:

Utensils sidetake a whisk and a glass bowl

Preparation: 15 minutes

Be careful, since it is a homemade sauce it is important to keep it in the refrigerator and consume it within 48 hours after its preparation.


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