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Suggested video What products are in season in October?

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According to nutritionist Boris Hansel, it is a “terrible marketing trap”. The product he denounces today in a video published on Instagram: Actimel + and this promise of “support the immune system, 100% vitamin D”. The product also promises a “antioxidant effect for better health thanks to vitamin C and fight against fatigue via magnesium”. If we are to believe the manufacturers, this little yogurt would help us to have a good winter, in good health, while enjoying ourselves.

“What is terrible is that from a regulatory perspective, we have the right to make these allegations” explains the endocrinologist-nutritionist at Bichât hospital in Paris. According to the expert, there are no studies which indicate that this type of product has the effects announced. “We are playing with the regulations, we are at the limit of what is authorized. It is suggested that it is a healthy product, when it is not at all. Just look at the composition” specifies the specialist.

So, upon closer inspection, it is possible to notice that it is actually a product rich in sugar. The nutri-score proves it, Actimel + is classified as “E”.

To get through the winter peacefully and in good health, it is important to stock up on vitamin D. This can be done by spending at least 15 minutes outside or by consuming certain foods such as dairy products and fatty fish. , egg yolks, butter…

If necessary, a course of probiotics can be very useful. “These are essentially bacteria and yeasts which will improve or optimize our intestinal microbiota. The microbiota provides several functions: digestive, neurological, immune and metabolic. You will have understood, you have to take care of it and pamper it!” explain Érika Rouer, dietitian. Finally, throughout winter, it is essential to continue to eat a balanced diet: the body needs energy. Practicing regular physical activity is also very important to boost your morale, feel dynamic and improve the quality of your sleep.


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