A young woman from Florida, United States, suffered a mishap with his dog’s leash during a walk that ended up robbing him of his vision in one eye. The woman documented her recovery on social media, where her story has gone viral.

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The dog’s leash hit him in the eye

On August 7, 2023, Daniella Abreu took her dog, a 70-pound husky named Blu, on a nighttime walk. Although due to the size of his pet he preferred to use a rope leash, that night he saw it was very worn out and decided to take him with an old retractable leash that he had at home.

During the walk, Her dog saw a rabbit and ran after it, pulling the young woman hard.

“As he ran in one direction and I pulled in the opposite direction, the friction of the belt reflected back and hit me right in the eye. It happened very quickly, but I knew immediately that it was serious. The force of the strap was very traumatic“Abreu, 24, told People.

The young woman ran home, where her parents saw her with concern, because, although it was not something of life or death, the amount of blood she was losing caused her to faint.

After taking her to a healthcare center, They discovered that he had a fracture under his eye, a retinal detachment and a split eyelid. On a scale of 1 to 10, Danielle described that as a level 10 pain.

A surgery allowed them to confirm that He had permanently lost vision in his right eye.in addition to the fact that he would need other interventions to be able to recover other parts of his face.

“I had to put my whole life on pause. I went from being a super active girl to basically having to take a year off from life.“commented the American, who had to have her eye removed.

Recovery was not easy, as he suffered severe migraines, stress, anxiety and panic attacks. He decided to start therapy and, in his words, relearn everything.

A year after the accident, he asked to receive a ocular prosthesis which, although she will have to change it every 3 years, helped her feel confident with herself again. After sharing her story on TikTok, she began connecting with other people who have also lost their eyes.

It has changed my life and I am trying to learn to deal with it.”, highlighted the young woman, who admitted that she has no hard feelings with her dog, with whom she feels closer than ever.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/mujer-perdio-ojo-tras-accidente-con-la-correa-de-su-perro-la-fuerza-fue-muy-traumatica-rg10

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