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Slugs are a gardeners nightmare. They voraciously devour leaves and young shoots, seriously damaging your crops. If you are looking for a natural and effective method to protect your plants, there is no need to resort to chemical products. A common fruit, often appreciated for its very particular taste, could well be the ideal solution to keep these pests away. Revelations.

Some everyday foods can be multifunctional. This is particularly the case for grapefruit. In addition to its numerous health benefits, the latter proves to be a surprising ally for the professional or amateur gardener. This fruit is particularly effective against slugs due to its strong odor and the texture of its bark. Slugs, which are attracted to humidity, often fall into the trap of the half-shell of the grapefruit. By sneaking inside to find food or water, they become trapped there and you can easily remove them from your plantations.

Would you like to try this method? It couldn’t be simpler. The most complicated thing is to find THE grapefruit that will have the most flavor and smell for the slugs. Cut a grapefruit in half and core it, leaving only the shell. Then place these half shells upside down in the areas where slugs are most present. In the morning, come back to your garden and you will see. Some slugs will surely have fallen for it. All you have to do is collect them and move them away from your garden. Repeat this operation regularly and you will be rid of these pests.


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