Pope Francis announced this Sunday the creation of 21 new cardinals, andAmong these are the current archbishops of the Peruvian capital Lima, the Argentine city of Santiago del Estero, the Ecuadorian Guayaquil, Santiago de Chile or the Brazilian Porto Alegre.

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The consistory for The ordination of these new cardinals, who could participate in a possible conclave, will take place on December 8, explained Pope Francis after praying the Sunday Angelus from the window of the Apostolic Palace.

Among the future cardinals will be the archbishop of Lima, Carlos Castillo Mattasoglio; that of Santiago de Chile, Fernando Natalio Chomali Garib; that of Santiago del Estero, Vicente Bokalic Iglic, primate of Argentina, or that of Guayaquil, Gerardo Luis Cabrera Herrera.

The archbishop of the Brazilian Porto Alegre, Jaime Spengler, will also receive the purple.

Other cardinals created by Pope Francis

The Argentine pontiff, always interested in the “peripheries” of the world, assured that the election of these new cardinals “expresses the universality of the Church, which continues to announce the merciful love of God to all men on Earth.”

That’s why, among the new cardinals will be the archbishop of Tokyo, Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi; that of Aviyan, in the Ivory Coast, Ignace Bessi Dogbo; that of Algiers, Jean-Paul Vesco; that of Indonesia’s Bogor Paskalis Bruno Syukur; from Tehran, Dominique Joseph Mathieu; from Toronto, Francis Leo or from Belgrade, Ladislav Nemet.

In addition, the bishop of the Philippine Kalookan, Pablo Virgilio Siongco David, has been elected; the archbishop of the Italian city of Turin, Roberto Repole; the auxiliary bishop of Rome, Badassare Rena; the archpriest of the Roman Basilica of Saint Mary Major, Rolandas Makrickas, and the bishop of the Eparchy of Saints Peter and Paul of Melbourne of the Ukrainians, Mykola Bychok.

The pope will also make his apostolic nuncio Angelo Acerbi a cardinal; the organizer of his trips around the world, Monsignor George Jacob Koovakad, the British theologian friar Timothy Peter Joseph Radcliffe, and the undersecretary of the Vatican Migration Section, Fabio Baggio.

>> See also: Pope Francis condemns food waste

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/papa-francisco-crea-otro-21-cardenales-hay-algun-colombiano-en-la-lista-cb20

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