Kimberley Hattersley-Barton, originally from West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, She was diagnosed with cancer for the first time at 13 months old. Throughout her life, this young woman has been an example of resilience, facing multiple cancer diagnoses and, more recently, kidney failure.

Kimberley’s first cancer was rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare form of childhood cancer that affects the muscles. Despite having overcome the disease after receiving six months of treatmentthe physical and emotional consequences of this fight deeply marked his life. Over the years, he has had to undergo different treatments that have left permanent side effects.

He was diagnosed with tongue cancer

At 18, Kimberley began experiencing pain in her tongue. which he initially attributed to the braces he was wearing at the time. However, when the pain persisted and a lump formed, he decided to see a doctor. Following an evaluation, she was diagnosed with tongue cancer in 2016, forcing her to undergo surgery in which a third of her tongue was removed.

“It was a long and painful process. I had to relearn how to speak and swallow. I felt weak and had lost a lot of weight. “They were very hard months,” he told Need to Know.

After the operation and six weeks of radiotherapy, the young woman thought her battle against cancer was over. However, in 2020, he discovered a new lump on his tongue. This time, doctors diagnosed a mutation from the original cancer, requiring another, more invasive surgery to remove a larger portion of his tongue.

The woman also underwent a neck dissection to make sure the cancer had not spread to the lymph nodes. Although the operation was successful, it left a U-shaped scar on his neck, which she describes as a “permanent smile.”

“I couldn’t believe the cancer had come back a second time. “I thought it was too much for me, but I had to be strong,” he said.

They also discovered thyroid cancer and now kidney failure.

Despite two tongue surgeries, Kimberley’s ordeal didn’t end there. In June 2022, during a routine examination, a new cancer was discovered in her thyroid. Fortunately, this was detected at an early stage and doctors decided to remove his thyroid and nearby lymph nodes as a preventive measure. “It was one blow after another. I had a hard time staying positive, but I knew I had to keep fighting.”

After thyroid surgery, she hoped to regain some normality in her life. However, in August 2024, she was diagnosed with kidney failure, a late consequence of the intensive treatments she had received during her childhood. Now, he has started receiving dialysis to maintain his kidney function while he continues to adapt to this new reality.

“It’s very difficult, but I have learned to live one day at a time. I have survived several types of cancer and now I am facing kidney failure. My body has been through a lot, but I keep going,” said the young woman.

Despite the difficulties, he has decided to use his experience to help others. Through her Instagram account, she shares her story of overcoming cancer to raise awareness about childhood cancer and the importance of early detection. She has also organized charity events to raise funds for organizations that have supported her throughout her fight.

In April 2024, she held a charity gala raising more than £10,000, and is planning to hold another event in May 2025 to mark five years of remission.

“My goal is to help others and show that, even if life is hard, there is always a way to move forward,” Kimberley stated determinedly.

Despite the permanent side effects of her multiple treatments, Kimberley continues to work to live as normal a life as possible, while also fighting to raise awareness about the illnesses she has faced. Although the road has been long and painful, his fighting spirit remains intact.


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