The Government of Nicolás Maduro repudiated this Thursday, October 24, 2024, Brazil’s decision to veto Venezuela’s entry into the BRICS group of emerging economies, an act that Caracas sees as a “hostile gesture” and an “aggression” against the interests of the nation, which has been insistently seeking admission into this bloc for years.

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In a statement, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry expressed that with This veto is “reproducing the hatred, exclusion and intolerance promoted from Western power centers to prevent, for now, the entry of Bolívar’s homeland into this organization.”

This is “an action that constitutes an aggression against Venezuela and a hostile gesture that adds to the criminal policy of sanctions that have been imposed against a brave and revolutionary people. No ruse or maneuver conceived against Venezuela will stop the course of history,” the letter states.

Likewise, the Executive of Nicolás Maduro assured that he had “the support and support of the countries participating in this summit – held in Russia between October 22 and 24 – for the formalization of their entry into this integration mechanism.n”.

But -the text continues-, “through an action that contradicts the nature and postulates of the BRICS, The representation of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry decided to maintain the veto that (former Brazilian President Jair) Bolsonaro (2019-2022) applied to Venezuela for years“.

“The Venezuelan people feel indignation and shame for this inexplicable and immoral aggression of the Brazilian Foreign Ministry“adds the writing.

The former chancellor and advisor to the Brazilian Government, Celso Amorín, had announced that The Government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva would not promote Venezuela’s entry into the BRICS, founded by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

Venezuela and Brazil have distanced themselves since the July 28 electionsin which the Venezuelan electoral authorities proclaimed Maduro’s victory, a result indicated as fraudulent by the majority opposition and questioned by various governments, including Lula’s.

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