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Boisson adored by the French who consume no less than 3 kg on average per year, which corresponds to almost 500 cups in a year, coffee is the solution to be able to have energy throughout the morning. Often, after lunch, this drink allows you to digest better. But should we really drink it all day? Famous Doctor Jimmy Mohamed wants to launch an alert.
Indeed, according to the doctor’s statements, during his chronicle on RTL, baptized, it’s much better, coffee should not be consumed in the afternoon! “It will disturb your biological clock”does he start by indicating on Thursday, February 6, 2025. Consequently for our health? “More high blood pressure and therefore potentially, more cardiovascular diseases”. Especially since those who enjoy drinking a coffee in the afternoon are often those who have a sleep debt. “They are tired. They consume coffee at 2 p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m., 5 p.m., 6 p.m.”. But for Jimmy Mohamed, this habit is actually counterproductive. “This sleep debt can never be erased by coffee. And therefore this coffee you have in the evening, it will disturb your organic clock, you have no restful sleep because you are in sleep debt and you Lose all the benefits of caffeine you could have had in the morning “alerts the doctor.
Thus, Jimmy Mohamed recalls that it is recommended to drink “2 to 3 cups in the morning to have health benefits”. But then what to do when you want to drink some coffee in the afternoon? “Why not, but for your health, it doesn’t really interest”underlines the doctor. But drinking a few cups in the morning thus presents benefits for our health, as he previously recalled: “When you drink a coffee, your heart can accelerate and your blood pressure increase. These caffeine effects are transient and fade after some time among regular coffee consumers. If it should therefore be remembered ‘One thing is that coffee is good at the heart “. This is said.