With easy and practical recipes give your cakes finish, even the simplest, leaving them with irresistible flavor !!
Filling and Chocolate Coverage
- 300 grams of chopped chocolate.
- 1 can of frozen ice cream without serum
- 1 cup of dulce de leche
Preparation mode
- Melt the chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave carefully not to burn.
- Add the cream, the dulce de leche and mix well until a very homogeneous mixture.
- Stuff the cake with a third of the cream and cover the cake with the rest, straightening well with a spatula.
- Take the cake to freeze for at least 4 hours before serving.
Mother Tips
Approximate yield of 4 cups.
If you prefer, you can use crispy chocolate.
Ganache crisp
- 200 grams of chopped milk chocolate
- 200 grams of chopped dark chocolate
- 1 can of sour cream
- ½ cup of chopped cashews
- ½ cup of sugar
- 4 tablespoons water
Preparation mode
- Mix water well with sugar.
- Pour carefully into a thick bottom pan.
- Bring to low heat without moving for about 8 minutes or until a caramel syrup.
- Add the chestnut, mix quickly and spread over a refractory or stone greased with margarine.
- Let cool and then break into pieces.
- Grinding grit.
- Melt the chocolates in a water bath or in the microwave.
- Add the cream, the crispy and mix well.
- Before using, leave at room temperature until you acquire desired consistency.
- Stuff and cover the cake.
Cocada stuffing
- 1 can of condensed milk
- 1 glass of coconut milk
- 100 grams of grated coconut
- 1 and ½ tablespoon cornstarch (cornstarch)
Preparation mode
- In a pan, dissolve the cornstarch in coconut milk.
- Add coconut, condensed milk and mix well.
- Bring to low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened.
Mother Tips
Coconut milk glass is 200 ml.
Use the stuffing or conserve in refrigerator for up to 3 days.
See also the fears of fillings and coverage
Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/recheio-e-cobertura-de-chocolate-e-recheio-de-cocada/