In any situation, any sweetie is perfect to surprise dear people. Snow Candy is another special and delicious sweetie!


  • 500 grams of chopped milk chocolate
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 can of powdered milk
  • 1 glass of coconut milk
  • 1 sifted gem

Preparation mode

  1. In a pan, put condensed milk, coconut milk, yolk, milk powder and mix well.
  2. Bring to medium heat, stirring constantly, until it unglued from the bottom of the pan. See the tips below.
  3. Put the mixture in a refractory and let cool.
  4. After cold, model balls and set aside.
  5. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and bath each ball in the chocolate.
  6. Put on parchment paper to dry.
  7. Once dried, put in paper cups.

Mother Tips

Put the yolk in the sieve, pour it and let it drain. Do not scrape the sieve inside and not on the outside. What to be in the sieve, despise.

Use the can of condensed milk or the box to measure the amount of milk powder.

What is in the sieve is the egg yolk film that smells of eggs in candy.

The point of the candy: The unleashing of the pan – to get the correct point, as soon as the candy thickens, tin the pan slightly (to check the bottom of the pan) and make sure the candy runs down or disgusting from the bottom of the pan. If the candy drains at the bottom of the pan; It is not at the point. Keep stirring the candy a little more and fall off the pan to check the point. If the candy peels from the bottom of the pan without drafting; It is at the point. Each, about 5 moves in the candy; This the pan.

When we do not do the procedure described above, it is common to go from the point. When the candy cools, it results in a hard candy. This is valid for any sweet cooked as a brigadeiro, kiss, cashew,…
Approximate yield of 50 candies.


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