With delicious salads, more health and taste is guaranteed in your family meals. Be sure to enjoy salads even the simplest!
Crunchy salpicão
- 2 cups of diced potatoes
- ½ cup of chopped yellow peppers
- ½ cup chopped red peppers
- 1 cup of grated carrots
- 1 cup of chopped celery
- 1 cup chopped apple
- ½ cup (tea) of black raisins without seeds
- 1 cup mayonnaise
- 1 chopped onion
- 1 can of sour cream without serum
- 1 tablespoon of mustard
- Salt to taste
- Kingdom pepper to taste
Preparation mode
- Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, mustard and season with salt and pepper. Reserve.
- In a large bowl, put the peppers, carrots, celery, onion and apple.
- Add the raisins and the potato.
- Mixing gently, also add the reserved mayonnaise mixture.
- Put on a platter and take to freeze for at least 1 hour.
Mother Tips
Approximate yield of 4 portions.
When serving, decorate the platter with potato straw.
Simple salad
- Chopped tomatoes
- Choced white cheese in cubes (optional)
- Olive
- Chopped cucumbers
- 1 chopped onion
- Salt to taste
- Kingdom pepper to taste
- Vinegar to taste
Preparation mode
- In a bowl, mix tomatoes, olives, cucumbers, cheese and onion.
- Season with salt, pepper and vinegar.
Mother Tips
A simple salad can have only one main ingredient and spices.
Enjoy what you have in your refrigerator but be sure to make a tasty salad.
- 4 large boiled potatoes chopped in small cubes
- 3 chopped cooked carrots
- 1 small cooked cauliflower chopped
- 150 grams of cooked and chopped pods
- 3 chopped tomatoes
- 1 cup (tea) of lumps
- Salt to taste
- Kingdom pepper to taste
- 1 mayonnaise glass (250 grams)
- ½ cup of milk
- Lettuce leaves
- Stuffed olives
Preparation mode
- Mix mayonnaise with milk and set aside.
- Grease a hole shape in the middle with oil and set aside.
- In a bowl, put the carrot, potatoes, pods and cauliflower.
- Add the olives, tomatoes and season with pepper and salt.
- Add the mayonnaise mixture and mix gently.
- Put the mixture in the pan and tighten gently but firm.
- Take to freeze for at least 1 hour.
- Unmold on a large round dish lined with lettuce leaves.
- Decorate with stuffed olives.
Mother Tips
Approximate yield of 8 portions.
Steam cooked foods are healthier.
Mandioquinha salad
- 3xicars (tea) of diced cooked manioc
- 2 cups of bouquet broccoli
- 1 red peppers
- 2 boiled yolks
- 1 peeled boiled egg
- 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
- 1 teaspoon mustard
- 1 teaspoon vinegar
- Salt to taste
- Kingdom pepper to taste
- 1 and ½ cup of oil
Preparation mode
- In a salador put the manioc, broccoli and peppers.
- Prepare mayonnaise by placing the egg, cooked eggs, vinegar, mayonnaise, mustard, pepper, salt.
- Turn on the blender and gradually put the oil to thickened.
- Add mayonnaise in the salad bowl and mix it all gently.
- Take to freeze two hours before serving.
Mother Tips
Yield of 6 portions.
The amount of oil is approximate.
Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/salada-simples-e-deliciosa/