O Former President of Russia and current president of the country’s Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, stated this Friday that the “West is very tired of Ukraine” and, therefore, “has started to support Israel with enthusiasm”.
In a note on the Telegram platform, published this Friday morning, before Tel Aviv announced that it would expand its operations, Medvedev stated that “Israel continues to delay its ground operation in Gaza, mainly under pressure from the US and in fear of global wrath”.
“But don’t let yourselves be seduced. operation will take place, and with the most serious bloody consequences. About Moles [deus adorado pelos amonitas, uma etnia de Canaã – antiga denominação da região correspondente à área do atual Estado de Israel, da Faixa de Gaza, da Cisjordânia, de parte da Jordânia, do Líbano e de parte da Síria] always demands more and more victims, and the machine of mutual violence will now run for years“, he wrote.
Furthermore, highlighted the former Russian president, the “The West is very tired of Ukraine” e “began to support Israel enthusiastically”.
“Even the new president of the United States House of Representatives, Michael Jackson (pardon me, Mike Johnson, but what’s the difference), named aid to Tel Aviv as his first task”, he joked, referring to the first text signed by Johnson as speaker of the Lower House, which approves a resolution that reinforces support for Israel and demands that the Palestinian Islamic group Hamas cease its attacks against the Jewish State.
For Medvedev, the best option would be to “retake the Middle East resolution process” and “finally try to comply with United Nations Security Council Resolution 242”, signed after the Six-Day War in 1967, or “even the Palestine partition plan”, adopted on November 29, 1947.
It is recalled that, after Hamas’ surprise attack on Israeli territory, called ‘Al-Aqsa Storm’, Israel bombed from the air several installations of that armed group in the Gaza Strip, in an operation called ‘Iron Swords’ ‘.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel is “at war” with Hamas, a group considered terrorist by Israel, the United States and the European Union (EU).
Read Also: Islamist movement Hamas reports “violent fighting” in the Gaza Strip
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2429178/ocidente-esta-cansado-da-ucrania-passou-a-apoiar-israel-com-entusiasmo