It’s hard for anyone to resist a recipe for cuca with farofa. Grape cuca is ideal for a snack with the family. Little ones love to take snacks to school. It’s delicious!

Dough Ingredients

  • ½ cup (tea) sugar
  • 1 tablet of fresh organic yeast
  • 1 and ½ cup (tea) of water
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 large egg
  • 5 cups (tea) of wheat flour

Farofa Ingredients

  • ¼ cup (tea) of wheat flour
  • ¼ cup (tea) sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 kg of sanitized dark grapes

Preparation Mode

  1. In a bowl, mix the sugar, yeast and water.
  2. Add salt, butter and egg.
  3. Gradually add the wheat flour, stirring with a wooden spoon, until it becomes difficult to stir.
  4. Place the dough on a smooth surface and work it with your hands, gradually adding the rest of the flour, until you obtain a homogeneous and soft dough that does not stick to your hands (see mom’s tips in the recipe).
  5. Cover with a cloth and let it rise until it doubles in volume.

Farofa Preparation Method

  1. Reserve the grapes.
  2. Mix the remaining ingredients roughly with your hands.

Cuca Assembly

  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC.
  2. Grease and flour a rectangular pan.
  3. Place the dough flat, using your hands.
  4. Cover with the grapes, pressing a little, and spread the farofa.
  5. Let it grow, until it double the volume.
  6. Bake until golden.

Mom Tips

When working the dough, keep your hands floured. Only if necessary, add more flour or water to the dough. The dough should come away from your hands, but it should be very soft.

Approximate yield of 10 servings.

Also check out the recipe for cuca or cuque do sul.


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