The National Electoral Council of Venezuela, CNE, assured that will begin to study the 27 dates proposed by various sectors of the country to celebrate this year’s presidential electionsafter receiving a list of suggestions from the National Assembly (Parliament), controlled by Chavismo.

The president of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso, said that the consultation process organized by the Chamber – which lasted for two weeks, in which 52 political organizations participated – is an “act of deepening democracy”, since he also received recommendations from religious, cultural and business sectors.
“We will begin to evaluate (the proposals) starting this week… we will begin to study them and we will be providing a response to the people of Venezuela, permanent information on how this process of studying these proposals is going,” Amoroso said at the event. receipt of the document prepared by Parliament.

For his part, the president of the Legislature, Jorge Rodríguez, pointed out that the delivery of these proposals to the CNE is the “culmination of an unprecedented and exemplary process“about the search for ways “to resolve pressing issues of national life.”

“We have made the call as inclusive as possible,” said the deputy, who asked the electoral body, the only one with authority to call elections in Venezuela, to “attend and evaluate” the proposals collected and to “set the table so that the electoral party is activated”.

Among the proposed dates, the closest one contained in the document is April 13while the most distant is December 8, although the letter does not include any proposal from the ruling PSUV party, which has asked that the elections be held “as soon as possible.”

The Democratic Unitary Platform, the main anti-Chavista bloc, did not participate in this consultation process, as it believes that the Government intends to design undemocratic elections and seeks to distort what the parties agreed to in Barbados, through the political negotiation process, which established the elections for the second half of the year.


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