At 74 years of age, Edmundo González Urrutia became the opposition candidate for the presidential elections next July in Venezuela.

In an exclusive interview with Noticias Caracol, Edmundo González said that he trusts in the oversight of international organizations.
Do you consider that the opposition candidacy has a clear way to participate in the electoral process in Venezuela?

“Well, we hope that this path continues in this direction and that we can reach the presidential elections in July without any setback.”

What are those obstacles that you expect to arise?

“We are in a very complicated situation. There is a government that has been in power for 25 years, that has rock bottom popularity and that has some very difficult internal problems as well. You can expect anything from them.”

If you win, as all the polls indicate, how are you going to make that transition so that it is peaceful?

“We trust that normality will be recovered, that the Government will take into account the eventual results that we are going to have in July and that, with the support and backing of the international community, which will do its job so that the electoral results are respected, “we can begin a process of recovery of democracy and the democratic transition in a climate of peace.”

How can you believe in this electoral process with the antecedents that have been seen?

Well, we are taking all our precautions, from a technical point of view. We also trust in the oversight of international organizations.”

How do you see the proposal that President Petro made to you to call a plebiscite?

“We did not know the details of the proposal. Yesterday (Wednesday, April 24, 2024), María Corina Machado was speaking with some political actors in Colombia. I myself was also with the Foreign Minister of Colombia in a telephone conversation and we hope to continue analyzing that, for which we are going to meet soon with the Colombian ambassador here in Caracas.”

What would be the first measure you would take if you were elected president of Venezuela?

“There are many. There is the release of political prisoners, the economic recovery, the stability of the currency, the reduction of inflation, insecurity… In short, we have a very well-oiled government plan, with teams that have been working very seriously on these issues. and we are willing to begin this process of recovery of the Venezuelan economy as soon as we come to power.”

For YT:

“You can expect anything”: Edmundo González fears for the transparency of elections in Venezuela

The Venezuelan opposition candidate, Edmundo González, spoke exclusively with Noticias Caracol about the plans he has to confront Nicolás Maduro, the risks involved in his campaign and the proposal for a plebiscite made by President Gustavo Petro.

Thumbnail: “We are taking precautions”


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