A candidate for mayor of the town of Coyuca of Benitezin the southern Mexican state of Guerrero, was murdered this Wednesday during his campaign close in a shooting attack that was recorded on video, reported Governor Evelyn Salgado.

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A recording published by local media shows the moment in which a person approaches the applicant Alfredo Cabrera and shoots him in the back during the rally.

Members of the militarized National Guard can be seen at the crime scene, although at the moment it is not clear if they were monitoring the event.

“I strongly condemn the unfortunate events in which the candidate for the municipal presidency of Coyuca de Benítez for the PRI, PAN, PRD coalition lost his life.“said Salgado on his social network account X.

The video shows Cabrera, wearing a red shirt and surrounded by supporters, being shot repeatedly, which caused chaos and panic among those attending the rally.

The alleged murderer of Cabrera “was shot down” at the scene of the crime, the Guerrero state prosecutor’s office later reported in a statement.

As of Tuesday morning, the federal government reported that 22 candidates had been murdered during the electoral process, which began last September with the registration of candidates.

Hours after that report, the substitute candidate for mayor of Cuautla (Morelos, center) Ricardo Arizmendi was murdered, while the candidate for the municipal government of Encarnación de Díaz (Jalisco, west) was wounded by a gunshot in another attack.

The Data Cívica organization reports thirty homicides of candidates in the campaign.

Governor Salgado asked the prosecutor’s office to carry out the pertinent investigations to find those responsible for the Cabrera crime.

For its part, the PRI denounced that the Guerrero government, led by the ruling Morena party, did not guarantee the safety of the candidates during the campaign.

It is a shame that the Morena government has not made even the slightest effort to guarantee the safety of the candidates and that this campaign ends violently.“, noted the party in X.

This Wednesday, the proselytizing events for next Sunday’s elections closed, in which some 100 million Mexicans – out of a population of 129 million – are authorized to vote for president, members of Congress and more than 20,000 local officials.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/asesinan-en-mexico-a-un-candidato-a-la-alcaldia-de-coyuca-de-benitez-todo-quedo-en-video-cb20

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