He papa Francisco He warned this Sunday that if the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, follows through with his plan for mass deportations of irregular immigrants, it would be “a disgrace” because, he alleged, “things are not resolved that way.”
“This, if true, will be a disgrace because it will make the citizens pay the bill for the imbalance.” poor unfortunate people who have nothing. That’s not right, that’s not how things are resolved,” he said in an interview on the ‘Che tempo che fa’ program, when asked about the possibility of Trump carrying out these actions. deportations.
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The Argentine pontiff assured that he has not spoken with the magnate and president-elect, who will swear his return to power tomorrow, Monday, and recalled that they met in his first term in office. Vatican.
On the contrary, at another point in the interview he again raised the immigration as a possible solution to the demographic decline in aging European countries such as Italy or Spain.
“Italy at this moment has an average age of 46 years. They don’t make children… they let immigrants in. Albania, the average age is 23. Spain more so. They have to solve this problem. If you don’t make children, let the immigrants in,” he said.
And then defend that, for this to work, the immigrant has to be “welcomed, accompanied, promoted and integrated.”
On the other hand, the pope also addressed the crisis in Middle East to thank the mediators who have achieved the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and advocate as “the only solution” the creation of two States, one Israeli and the other Palestinian.
“The possibility exists, in fact I believe it is the only solution. Some have the willingness and others do not, so we must convince them with the calm rhetoric of conviction. Peace is always superior to war, always. For make peacemany times you lose something, but you gain more with peace than not having the things you lose. For peace you need courage,” he said.
In addition to Trump, Pope Francis talks about advances for women in the Church
Francis also assured that the role of women in the Curia is an issue that, although it has been implemented “slowly”, now “there are many.”
Not only because of the recent appointment of the Italian nun Simona Brambilla as the first female prefect in the history of a Dicastery, the one dedicated to Consecrated Life and Societies of Consecrated Life.
“Now we have many women. For example, to elect bishops in the commission there are three women electing new bishops. The vice president of the Vatican Governoratewho will be governor in March, is a nun. In the Department of Economics, the vice president is a nun with two careers (…) Women know how to manage better than us,” he said.
Finally, Francisco also assured that the battle against the scourge of abuse “is moving forward” and “is being consolidated well,” although he explained that “about 40%” of the cases occur in the family and on the streets.
“Boys and girls are always at risk of being abused. We have to fight a lot,” he defended.
On a personal level, the pontiff, who has just turned 88, assured that his right arm “is fine”, moving it before the camera, after the recent fall he suffered and for which he was immobilized.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/una-desgracia-papa-francisco-critica-a-donald-trump-por-plan-de-deportaciones-masivas-en-ee-uu-rg10