Suggested video 12 recipe ideas to prepare in September!
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As easy to make as it is comforting to eat, gratin dauphinois is one of the most popular French recipes. It is both simple and rustic. It is a must-have that we never tire of. Know that it is even better when it is homemade. It will certainly please the greatest number. In addition, it is inexpensive. However, if, on the surface, the preparation seems simple, there are however a few secrets to know to obtain an absolutely delicious gratin.
Exactly, In a video, Chef Christophe shared the best way to prepare it. He has revealed some tips for mastering this classic to perfection. We reveal them to you without further delay.
Have the right ingredients so no cheese!
First of all, before you start, it is essential to have the right ingredients on hand. Often, many people make the mistake of using grated Gruyere cheese: a big mistake. Indeed, as Chef Christophe says “There is no cheese in gratin dauphinois.” You will only find milk, cream, potatoes, salt, pepper, nutmeg, a clove of garlic and butter. That’s all!
Remember to take whole milk and whole cream because the fat present in this dish is essential to its preparation. This will allow the potatoes to be very soft and creamy to obtain a good coloring.
Choosing potatoes
It is best to choose potatoes that are both firm and floury: “You need potatoes that will hold up when cooked but will still release starch.” specifies the chief.
Prepare the potatoes
After peeling your potatoes, the chef advises keeping them in water so that they do not turn black.
Have regular slices
It is best to cut 3mm slices using the mandolin so that they are very thin: “It’s the right size for cooking to go well, so that the cream, milk and butter penetrate the potato and make it soft but so that it doesn’t break down during cooking.”
Once cut, do not rinse the potato.
After cutting, do not rinse to keep the surface starch which will allow the milk and cream to stick.
Assembling the gratin
To add flavor to your gratin, start by rubbing half a clove of garlic into the bottom of your dish. Then, spread the softened butter using a brush.
Finally, add the seasoning i.e. salt, pepper and nutmeg. Finish by arranging the potato slices. Once you are in the middle of the dish, season again with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
Cover very gently with milk and cream.
Depending on the size of your gratin, the cooking time varies between 1h30 and 2h30. To know if your gratin is cooked: “You prick it with the tip of a knife, it should go in with no resistance.” The coloring should be quite brown.
If it colors too strongly: “put a little baking paper on top, continue cooking and it will be good”.
If your gratin is too liquid, continue cooking. Conversely, if it is dry, add a little liquid, preferably cream, cover it and continue cooking quietly.
And as Chef Christophe says: “A gratin dauphinois never fails!”