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Salad doesn’t just mean summer. Winter is also a good time to prepare good salads with seasonal products to stock up on energy.
Precisely, via his Instagram page, the culinary critic François Régis Gaudry shared a recipe for “@elviramasson that he gleaned from the traveling chef’s latest book @zuricamilledesouza : “Where the rice smells like mango flowers” (Editions Ulmer, 2024)”. In this recipe, we find “three stars of winter” which are kale, radicchio also called treviso and kumquat. An original preparation that will change too classic salads. So here’s how to make it at home.
This recipe “full of colors, vitamins and liveliness” according to François-Régis Gaudry, it is excellent for your health thanks to these 3 main ingredients.
Chou kale : Kale, also called kale, is a real asset for your health. In fact, it is considered that 150 g of kale provides almost 40% of the nutritional reference value for an adult. This vegetable is even richer in calcium than a glass of milk: 150 mg of calcium compared to only 125 mg per 100 g of milk. Furthermore, kale offers around 90 mg of vitamin C per serving compared to 50 mg per 100 g of orange. The most? Its protein intake. Count around 3 g per 100 g serving!
Kumquat : With only 71 kcal per 100 g, kumquat has it all. Full of vitamins, this little citrus fruit is a concentrate of benefits. It is rich in natural antioxidants and fibers which promote transit regulation.
Radicchio : radicchio is particularly known for its benefits on the liver and kidneys thanks to its depurative properties, that is to say which facilitate the elimination of toxins and waste from the body. Another essential asset of radicchio: its incredible vitamin K content, which makes it a true anti-inflammatory food.
To make François-Régis Gaudry’s winter salad, you will need: