An Argentine journalist shocked the audience and his colleagues during a live broadcast by revealing that he was a victim of sexual abuse. This is Juan Pablo Aleart, who at the beginning of the program ‘De 12 a 14’ on Channel 3 assured that this would be a special broadcast because of what he was going to share with viewers.
Initially, the Argentine journalist noted that “My father sexually abused my sister in front of me, when I was a child. He made me and my brother believe that it was a game, that my sister was exaggerating. But the truth always wins.”
“I am a witness to his panic attacks, deep anguish crises, insomnia, hair loss, loss of body weight. And I know that he thought about taking his own life as a result of everything my father did to him,” he added.
Aleart assured that his father had HIV, a virus that he ended up infecting his own daughter.
The reporter assured that it took him a lot to convince his sister to file the complaint. Fortunately, he managed to bring her to justice. “When my father was notified of the complaint three weeks ago and not wanting to face the atrocity that he had committed, he decided to take his life, he decided to commit suicide.”
“Finding out about this was very shocking news. Deeply sad. But my father had made that decision from the moment he decided to abuse his own daughter from the age of 3 with HIV. What awaited him was a criminal conviction or social condemnation for having committed such an atrocity,” he asserted.
The Argentine journalist, from the set of the program, addressed his sister: “In his last messages on social networks, on Facebook and Twitter, (his father) did what he always did: he treated my sister as crazy, he talked about a sick ideation. But again: the truth always wins And it is my sister who I want to talk to now. I want to tell you, Sofi, that the horror movie is over. The monster decided to leave. He decided to leave forever and to never hurt you again, to harm you. What remains now is for you to build your life. The life you fought so hard for and the one you deserve so much. With freedom. You are free. Let’s fly Sofi, let’s fly.”
Juan Pablo Aleart says that he was abused by his uncle
“As if that were not enough, there is more. This is only part of the story. While all this happened in my house, in a house with a violent, abusive father, a mother who was a victim and accomplice at the same time, a house in which abuse and violence were naturalized, an uncle whom I trusted, who fulfilled my father’s place in many situations, that uncle took advantage of the context of extreme vulnerability in which I was and sexually abused me and my brother from 6 years old and older,” said the Argentine journalist.
He recalled that “when I was 12, 13 years old, with the few tools I had I noticed at home that this was happening.”. Everything I am telling you is in justice. I warned and, as you can imagine, in a house like this my parents did nothing. And I continued to be abused over and over again and so did my brother. This person, whose name is Helvio Vila, is the first one I reported in this entire judicial process.“.
“I would come here to work in the car crying. I would do 12 to 14 for months with a lump in my throat, I would lock myself in the locker room to cry and I would return home without wanting to see anyone or without wanting to talk to anyone. I was with a deep crisis of anguish. I lost the meaning of life. I didn’t feel like laughing, I didn’t feel like going to parties, anything. I just wanted to be with a small group of people,” said Juan Pablo.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/periodista-argentino-denuncia-que-fue-victima-de-abuso-sexual-mis-padres-no-hicieron-nada-rg10