OThe military took five of the bodies of the deceased, whose identity was not revealed, reports the Palestinian newspaper Al Quds in its digital edition.
After the withdrawal of Israeli forces this afternoon, officials from the Palestinian Red Crescent organization managed to enter the area and recover a body from the rubble.
The Israeli Armed Forces admitted to having carried out an operation against suspected terrorists and an action to force them out of a building.
Early in the morning, an Israeli excavator destroyed part of the building and the military launched sonic and smoke bombs to force the occupants out.
A video released on social media, the authenticity of which has not been verified, shows Israeli soldiers shooting at two of the individuals who were inside the building when they were trying to get out of the rubble.
According to Israel, the suspects were responsible for last November’s attack, in which an Israeli soldier died at the entrance to Beit Lid, east of Tulkarem.
Read Also: UK sanctions Israeli settler organizations
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2553788/pelo-menos-seis-pessoas-morrem-em-ataque-israelita-na-cisjordania